Frequently Asked Questions

Please browse through the tabs to find answers to our most frequently asked questions. If you’re not able to find what you’re looking for, please contact your Financial Advisor Team or 1-855-541-4387.

Changes may take between two and three business days to take affect. If you switched from paper statements to online notification, you may receive one final statement in the mail before the change takes effect.
Notifications tell you when a new document is ready for review.
If you wish to open a new account or make contributions to existing accounts, please contact us at 1-855-541-4387 or talk to your advisor.
If you have a joint account, live at the same address and only one of you have registered with ATB Investor Connect, we will apply communication preference settings across all account holders. If you have a joint account and live at the same address and each account holder sets their own preferences, those preferences will apply individually. If you have a joint account but the account holders live at separate addresses, your preferences will be set individually.
Conversion from USD to CAD is based on the USD/CAD exchange value as of the date of the transaction.